
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Enfield Cycling Campaign:

  • Dangerous cycle lane - Green Lanes/ Green Dragon Lane

    Created by Nicholas Lees // 1 thread

    I cycle on this cycle lane daily and have nearly been knocked off my bike on multiple occasions as I cross Green Dragon Lane on the cycle lane by cars turning from Green Lanes into Green Dragon Lane (see the cursor on image). I think this needs to be looked at as a priority as it is only a matter of time before somebody is injured. Perhaps deviating the cycle lane up Green Dragon Lane slightly or putting a pelican crossing in would help. Many thanks

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  • South East Herts Growth and Transport Plan

    Created by JonC // 2 threads

    The South East Hertfordshire Growth & Transport Plan (SEGTP) is a new transport strategy to help direct and plan transport improvements and investment in Hertford, Ware, Hoddesdon, Broxbourne, Cheshunt and Waltham Cross, and to surrounding areas.

    This area faces significant levels of proposed new housing and employment development, with added pressure of new homes and jobs are also proposed in surrounding areas including Cambridgeshire, Essex, Greater London and the rest of Hertfordshire.

    Important transport links in this area include the M25, A10, A414, A119, B1197 and A1170 roads, the West Anglia Main Line railway line, the National Cycle Route 61 and a range of local and longer distance bus and coach services.

    To help ensure the transport network continues to work safely and efficiently, the GTP identifies packages of interventions, that could address current and future traffic congestion issues such as noise and poor air quality. Interventions can be small or large, and could be introduced now or in the future, depending on how complex they are and if enough funding is available.

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  • A1000 pop-up cycle lanes south of Tally Ho gyratory

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Following Dft Phase 1 funding arising from the current Covid19 situation, designs are available for cycle lanes covering the approximate 3.2km length from the Haringey boundary to just south of North Finchley.

     The design principle has been, where possible, to provide a temporary lightly segregated cycle lane, defined by wands, bolted into the carriageway surface at 4m spacings. In some cases, we have taken a cycle lane width of 2.5m. In other locations, where space permits, we have re-allocated the whole of a current running lane.

     At other locations, we have needed to retain a ‘with traffic’ cycle route. In order to mitigate this, these sections of the route will be provided with carriageway cycle markings and signage as is usual, but complemented with the introduction of 20mph limits.

     Monitoring of the route will take place (and indeed has already started) to assess cycle and motorised traffic volumes, as well as to assess any changes to the temporary layout that may be necessary.

     In developing the design we have engaged with TfL’s cycling sponsors and have incorporated, where applicable, comments and suggestions from their design audit teams and our safety advisors. We have also obtained support from the police in respect of the 20mph limits.

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  • Barnet Draft Long Term Transport Strategy 2020-2041 Consultation

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    Update: Strategy adopted by Environment Committee on 09/09/2020

    "Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents."

    "There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport."

    "Our proposed Long Term Transport Strategy sets a direction for change to offer greater choices for travel, encourage more active lifestyles which will increase the health and well-being of Barnet’s residents and improve air quality. The strategy also sets out a number of proposed schemes for each type of travel along with activities to help change behaviour and encourage positive changes to the way we currently travel."


    Our vision

    The strategy includes the following vision statement relating to our long term vision for transport in the borough:

    By 2041, Barnet will have an efficient, convenient and reliable transport network, which enables safe, healthy and inclusive travel, protects the natural environment and supports the borough’s growth.

    The network will have transformed the way people and goods travel, providing strong orbital and radial links which gives everyone a choice of transport modes to complete their journey regardless of age, ability or income.

    This vision informs our proposals for the future of transport in the borough, and sets out a roadmap for achieving our vision which also complements other council policies such as the Growth Strategy(External link), the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy(External link), and the draft Local Plan(External link)."

     online questionnaire(External link).

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  • Highway Code changes

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.

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  • Barnet Cycleway between Hornsey and North Finchley

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Barnet council says...


    You and others in your area have a unique opportunity to benefit from Transport for London (TfL) funding to improve walking and cycling routes between Hornsey and North Finchley.

    We want to hear your views on our proposals that will transform streets in the borough. The improvements will help provide a future Cycleway between Alexandra Park in The London Borough of Haringey, through quiet streets and over the North Circular into The London Borough of Barnet; ending at North Finchley High Road A1000 amongst a busy parade of shops and cafes.


    The proposals are an important part of the Mayor of London Transport Strategy and Barnet’s ambition to get more people to walk and cycle. The proposals are guided by the Healthy Streets Approach(External link) which aims to encourage walking, cycling and public transport and make London greener, healthier and more pleasant.

    We have commissioned Sustrans Ltd(External link) as project coordinator and delivery partner for the Barnet section of the Cycleway route from Hornsey to North Finchley.

    Over the last two years Sustrans, in partnership with the council, engaged with residents in specific areas along the route to better understand local travel choices and concerns, road traffic and the quality of local streets.

    The proposals we are consulting on aim to address these issues, ensuring that improvements help to create an environment in which traffic is both reduced and slowed, and in which air quality is improved.

    What are we seeking your views on?

    This consultation is asking for your views on the draft concept designs for the route.

    Specifically, we are seeking your views on:

    • the layout of proposed street alterations within the draft concept designs
    • any comments you may have on the overall draft route.

    For more information on our proposals please read our FAQ document.

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  • Cockfosters station major development

    Created by JonC // 1 thread


    TfL and Grainger plc are working in partnership to prepare plans for a residential development at the Cockfosters station car park site.

    - Utilise brownfield, public sector land to help deliver around 400 new private and affordable homes for rent;
    - Preserve and enhance the setting of the Grade II listed London Underground station;
    - Through quality design, create a positive relationship between any new development and Trent Park Conservation Area and
    Grade II listed park and gardens which form part of the Greenbelt;
    - To create new public and private spaces and improve the access point to the London Loop trail and Trent Park;
    - To encourage a shift to more sustainable modes of public transport and reduce the need to travel by car in the local area; and
    - To deliver a car-free development, with the exception of disabled car parking for both station users and new residents.

    An initial public event was held on 18th June. A detailed public exhibition is due autumn 2019 followed by a detailed planning application.

    Feedback can be provide via the following link.

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  • Segregation on the A1010 South

    Created by Paul F // 1 thread

    As the cycle lanes on the A1010 South (from Ponders End to the North Circular) near completion, segregation is starting to be added. What do we want this to be like, what particular issues are there? Thoughts welcome.

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  • A1010 North

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    The plans for this scheme have been revised following earlier consultation.

    From Enfield Council:

    We are close to finalising the designs of the A1010 North scheme, and welcome your feedback on the draft plans. Copies of the A1010 North design drawings, draft traffic management orders and statement of reasons are available to download in the document library on the right of this page . Please view these and then provide your comments using the survey below.  (See web link)

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  • Consultation on cycling scheme for Waltham Cross

    Created by Clare Rogers // 1 thread

    Email from Highways England copied and pasted below:

    Dear consultee,

    I’m contacting you on behalf of the consultancy Atkins who are working with Highways England to investigate new cycle facilities in and around Waltham Cross. The routes are likely to comprise a range of facilities including segregated cycle tracks next to main roads, signed routes on quieter residential streets and, where necessary, some ‘traffic-free’ sections shared with pedestrians. Proposals are being considered to connect the town centre with other public rights of way and key sites including the following:

    • Waltham Cross Train Station
    • Theobalds Grove Train Station
    • the proposed Park Plaza development sites
    • the Cycle Enfield network

     The purpose of this consultation exercise is to gather the views of relevant local organisations on walking, cycling and horse-riding in the area around the scheme. We would like to hear any views you have on current conditions for walking, cycling and horse-riding in the local area affected by the proposals (shown in the attached local area map).

     This scheme is being investigated as part of Highways England’s ‘Designated Funds’ programme. The objectives of the programme include to:

    • maximise opportunities to deliver additional improvements as part of new road schemes
    • improve cycling facilities on, or near, the Highways England road network
    • reduce the impact of Highways England roads as a barrier to cycling

     Improvements in and around Waltham Cross have been chosen to act as strategic connections between key facilities such as transport interchanges and employment centres as well as existing public rights of way. These proposals are additional and independent to the Highways England M25 junction 25 Improvement Scheme. Whilst the proposals at M25 junction 25 are not part of this consultation, more information can be found on the Highways England website:

     If you have any questions on the proposed Waltham Cross cycle route improvement scheme or any related issues, please ask. Otherwise, please could you reply to us with any views by Friday 3rd May.

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  • Nasty pothole #1 on Hadley Road

    Created by Paul D.Smith // 1 thread

    Actually two nasty potholes on the westbound carriageway (towards Hadley Wood).  18in-24in across but deep with sharp sides.  Hit one of these last week and got instant puncture.

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  • Proposed A10/Lincoln Road Walking and Cycling Improvements

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    From the consultation hub, verbatim:

    These proposals are part of a wider TfL programme to encourage people to choose to cycle or walk in Enfield, which is being implemented by Enfield Council in partnership with us. We would like to hear your views on the proposals.

    What are we proposing?

    We propose to upgrade the existing staggered pedestrian crossing on the northern arm of the junction between Lincoln Road and the A10. The crossing would be made wider and would become a toucan crossing, enabling cyclists to use it as well. The existing zebra crossing on the western arm of Lincoln Road would become a parallel cycle/zebra crossing.

    Some areas of footway would be widened to enable people to access to both crossings more easily. The changes to the footway would mean that the entrance to the residential access road which joins Lincoln Road at the junction with the A10 would become narrower, and exiting vehicles would be asked to give way to any vehicles wishing to enter.

    See the website link for details including drawings and to submit comments.

    Enfield Cycling Campaign intends to submit a considered response after discussion.

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  • Segregated cycle path on approach to North Circular

    Created by Oliver Bruckauf // 1 thread

    The A105 southbound has segregated cycle lanes and then a bus lane until the bus lane ends just short of the North Circular. The bus lane ending creates a vicious pinch point for cyclists with a metal barrier on the left and cars pushing into the lane from the right to avoid the queue of vehicles turning right into the North Circular.

    As the pavement on the left is very wide, there is enough space to paint a short stretch of bicycle lane onto the pavement, starting where the bus lane ends (so as to not interfere with the bus stop) and ending at Regents Avenue where the road is wide enough and one can continue into the bicycle box at the North Circular junction.

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  • Enfield Local Plan 2018 - 2036

    Hamish F // 1 thread

    From council website:

    We are working on a new Local Plan to shape how Enfield is developed in the future. The key challenges we need to address are:

    • ensuring there is enough housing to meet everyone’s needs
    • creating better employment opportunities and promoting economic growth
    • reviewing infrastructure and community facilities
    • the future role of our town centres
    • creating places that promote health and wellbeing
    • ensuring development is high quality and protects the environment

    See threads for discussions of particular aspects/stages of this plan.

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  • Camden - Tottenham Hale cycle route

    At approximately 12km, this route would connect the town centres of Tottenham Hale, Seven Sisters and the Nag's Head, making it easier for people to make local journeys and use local services. The route would use both main roads and quieter back streets.

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  • Run of potholes

    Created by Paul D.Smith // 1 thread

    2019/01/20 - Fixed and nicely flat now.

    Western direction, about parallel with the obelisk in Trent Park is a series of three deepish long potholes close to the gutter.  Be careful because if your tyre catches the edge of one of these, you'll be weaving around.  Best to avoid them and steer wide so you don't find yourself weaving as a car close passes.

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  • Barnet LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 2 threads

    The third Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) was published in March 2018 and sets out a new strategic direction for transport in London. It aims to change the way people choose to travel with an overarching vision for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    Each London Borough has to prepare a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) containing proposals for the implementation of the MTS in its area.

    Barnet’s draft LIP includes Barnet’s transport objectives and identifies key local issues, challenges and opportunities to achieving the overarching mode share aim and nine MTS outcomes. It includes a delivery plan that sets out, in broad terms, the proposals and resources that will deliver the LIP objectives and targets associated with indicators related to the MTS outcomes.

    A number of statutory consultees will be specifically invited to comment on the draft LIP, but we want everyone who lives in or visits the borough to have an opportunity to comment too.

    Give us your views

    A copy of the draft LIP is provided here. We would particularly like your views on:

    have the main challenges and opportunities to delivering the MTS vision and outcomes been identified (pages 24-60);
    are the borough transport objectives identified in the document (pages 26-29) suitable for addressing the challenges;
    should the LIP include other major proposals or general areas of work (pages 62-74 & 80-81);
    should any other targets be identified (pages 103-110)
    Please provide your comments by email to link) including LIP3 in the title

    ,or by post FAO Jane Shipman, Re, Floor 11, Barnet House, 1255 High Road, London, N20 0EJ.

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  • A111 Chase Side - improve safety for cyclists

    Created by JonC // 1 thread

    The A111 Chase Side is a useful and direct commuting and leisure route for cyclists, linking Southgate and Cockfosters. Safety improvements are needed for cyclists using the road, particularly at central refuges forming pinch points where close passes are a frequent risk.

    More extensive infrastructure, utilising wide verges, service roads and semi-segrated lanes, could provide a safe route to increase levels of cycling to local schools, shops and sports facilities.

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